Our Chapter Programs consist of volunteer activities that address common issues that take place in our communities, in our families, and in our personal lives. We also strive to bring awareness to and set about establishing racial and gender equality.
Quarterly recognition of a female leader within the Central Alabama area who is a proponent, champion, promoter, or spokesperson for the success of other women and their families through their employment, volunteerism, or community based initiatives.
A mentoring program for girls aged 13-17 focused on self-esteem, personal development, cultural enrichment, and career exploration for personal success.
A mentoring program for expectant teenaged women designed to promote positive self-esteem and to motivate young ladies to explore and prepare for post-secondary educational options, personal development, and balancing life as a soon-to-be-mother.
Advocates for pressing and emerging issues that affect women and their families within the Central Alabama Area through position papers, organized forums, and partnerships that promote political empowerment.
Hosting an annual health and wellness fair that features testing, presentations, healthy refreshments, games and activities for youth and giveaways to educate rural and underserved communities on the strategies to maintain good health for their entire families.
The provision of an annual financial award to a deserving college student currently matriculating at a college or university in the Central Alabama area or a recent high school graduate of a school within the Central Alabama area who plans to attend a four-year college or university.
Annual workshops and retreats promoting advocacy through the continued development of leadership skills of members of the Central Alabama Chapter.
Advocacy of members of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women from chapters across the State of Alabama at the Alabama State House in Montgomery.
The support of local initiatives across the Central Alabama Area that promotes HIV / AIDS testing, education and research as well as support for families effected by HIV / AIDS
SisterNomic$, an initiative of National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. focuses on workshops and special presentations promoting financial wellness for women and their families on topics such as estate planning, credit awareness, and entrepreneurism.